Behind Bali Abundance Episode 12 -Opening a Direct to the Public Outlet
#12 -Opening a Warehouse Direct to the Public ...
2010 to 2011 was possibly the hardest year of my life, my marriage fell apart, I had to rent a warehouse to move my business out of our family home.
We had to sell our home and I rented a house for myself and 2 of my children. This was a huge year and I was totally exhausted pushing myself to the limit to get everything done often going to bed at 2 or 3am.
A New Chapter begins our separation had been the catalyst that actually moved my business forward perhaps faster than I would have had the courage to do normally.
I had a 2 year Lease on 6 Hercules St which was 280 square metre warehouse with a 2 year option. I was still just selling on Ebay and back then you could make a living on Ebay which is not so easy today. We were getting known also by word of mouth so I decided to open 7 days a week Direct to the Public to hopefully increase my income so I could get the stock money for the next trip as I needed to increase my stock to hopefully increase my revenue to cover the overheads of the warehouse. I worked 7 days a week, often money was tight as I now needed to pay rent and overheads but somehow money always seemed to come in just when I needed it.
I also started to go to Java to find new suppliers and to go direct to the source as most items are made in Java.
It takes awhile to establish trust and find the right suppliers. I loved to support small family based businesses as they are so grateful.
I started to form relationships with some of my suppliers especially in Bali where I would be invited to stay at their homes, attend temples or home ceremonies.
I have met some of the most beautiful people so kind and caring. I know if I was ever in any trouble in Bali I have so many people I could call that would come to my rescue. One time my atm card was blocked and I had no money I had so many offers of money without even asking. I felt so grateful. I was really starting to establish a great support team in Bali I had a great driver Smiley and good shipping company and now some amazing suppliers.
Back in Melbourne I also had a lot of support. My brother Russell would come down from the country every container to help unload and unpack stock. I had so many friends that would just rock up to help unpack when containers arrived. I was so grateful as I did not have the funds to employ more staff so had to rely on the support of friends and family. My mum would come and help out often with making lunches on container day or ironing canopies or whatever else needed to be done. I would not have my business today if it was not for the support of my beautiful friends and family. Dina a lady I met in Bali who is a Builder even though she had her own business and was busy would always rock up to help out on Container Day or a Sale Day.
As the business grew I was struggling to get my stock online quickly so decided it was time to employ someone to help get my listings on Ebay. My niece Kristy came to work for Bali Abundance part time as she was a student. 6 Hercules St had already started to get too small and before our 2 year Lease was up we needed a larger premises. I secured a Lease on number 13 Hercules St Tullamarine as our next container was not going to fit into 6 Hercules St. Number 13 Hercules was across the road and was over 500 square metres and had a larger office.
This was also a very scary time for me as at one stage I had 2 warehouses and had to cover 2 lots of overheads. Our 40 ft container arrived and was delivered to 13 Hercules St and then we started to slowly move the stock across until our lease at number 6 ended.
Often we were taking customers to the 2 warehouses and eventually I sublet number 6 so we could get out of the lease early and finally had our business set up in the larger warehouse. It was a hard time having double overheads with 2 warehouses that I was worried about losing my business. I just stayed focused and thankfully it all worked out!! Click the link below to see Episode 12